Ultimately, “The Takedown” is a goofy retro buddy cop movie with decent action scenes at best. If you decide to watch, do yourself a favor and turn on the subtitles as the voiceover casting doesn’t do the real actors’ voices justice one bit. He is so uncomfortable that he can’t even handle being in the room with the naked severed lower half of the train victim’s body at the coroner’s office. But Ousmane is nearly apoplectic when someone suggests that he and Monde might be lovers. For instance, Ousmane is understandably upset as Monge regularly gaslights him about the casual racism he’s regularly subject to in the town. In addition, the film’s attempt at addressing real-world racist ideologies at the expense of queer ones is also problematic. In addition, the female characters are reduced to either nags, hags, sex objects, or, in the case of Alice, the local cop tasked with helping them, a closeted racist and a homophobe. Monge stays a womanizing habitual line stepper, while Ousmane is awkward and doesn’t date. “The Takedown” suffers from trying to appeal to too many audiences at once and frankly would have worked better as a series. However, by the fourth act, where the movie earns its title, the story swiftly moves from odd to extra when the mayor gives a racist rhetoric-filled speech at a secret rally attended by everyone from old ladies to cops to several actors who look like Jan. And the movie excels when Sy and Lafitte are verbally sparring. (There’s one particular crazy bumper car chase that ends up in the produce section of a grocery store). The fight scenes and car chases are well done even when wholly unrealistic.

All roads lead back to the racist mayor and his skinhead henchmen, who give Ousmane a run for his money on more than one occasion. The pair uncover the real threat when the team discovers a terrorist plot to rid Paris of all of its immigrants, starting with the brown residents of the island (who conveniently all live in one building on the outskirts of the village). A Perfect Ending (2012) Aashik Awara (1993) Adult Life Skills (2016) American Outlaws (2001) Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown (12 Seasons) Bad.
But not before Sy gets in a brawl at a strip club with a skinhead hopped up on a new potent form of meth apparently cooked up by the train victim. 1 day ago &0183 &32 TV shows and movies leaving Netflix on June 1, 2022. The first two acts are paced well and play out like a network comedy detective series, wrapping up the murder investigation rather quickly.